Applicant must read the following statement and sign.
The undersigned hereby request that the Michigan Street Corridor Improvement Authority provide assistance to the project described in this application for the expressed purpose described above.
The applicant affirms and acknowledges that the applicant has legal interest in the property as described on page of this application.
The offer of assistance will only be effective upon execution of the agreement between the applicant and the Michigan Street CIA.
The answers and statements contained in this application and in the attachments are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
If the applicant is not the owner or the property, the property owner must read the following and sign below.
The undersigned hereby affirms and acknowledges that they are the owner(s) of the property described in the application, are aware of the contents of this application, and hereby authorize the applicant to submit this application and represent the undersigned in the matter being reviewed by the Michigan Street Façade Improvement Committee and CIA.